Call for PostersPosters due February 11, 2019, Midnight AoE We invite submissions to the poster session of the 11th International ACM Conference on Web Science in 2019 (WebSci’19). The poster session is an opportunity for computer and information scientists to present shorter results, and for researchers from other disciplines to share both unpublished and previously published work with one another and with the Web Science community. Like for paper submission, authors may submit their posters to not appear in ACM proceedings or be archived in the ACM Digital Library. Additionally, such non-archival submissions may be of previously published original work. We hope this more easily allows authors from fields such as (but not limited to) art, anthropology, communication, economics, humanities, informatics, law, linguistics, philosophy, political science, psychology, and sociology to participate. Posters submitted to be archived by the ACM Digital Library and included in the ACM proceedings and should be original work that has not been previously published. In addition to the topics listed for Web Science paper submissions, additional possible topics appropriate for posters submissions include (but are not limited to) the following:
The review process and publication information are the same as for the WebSci’19 paper track. Submission instructionsPosters submitted to be included in the ACM proceedings must be for original, unpublished work and must not exceed 2 pages in ACM SIG Conference Proceedings format, including references. See (From the zip files provided, please select the SIGCONF version.)
Work submitted not for inclusion in the proceedings, i.e. only for the poster presentation, can cover published work and may be submitted in any format, such as an extended abstract or an actual poster. It must not exceed 4 pages, including references. All files must be submitted as pdf. You can find the WebSci’19 poster submission page at Easychair. ( |
Important datesFebruary 11, 2019 Submission of posters: PDFs of these submissions must be uploaded to EasyChair by this date. April 1 , 2019 Notification of acceptance: Acceptances and rejections of posters are sent out. May 1, 2019 Final publication version due. Presenters who do not opt out of having their contribution appear in the ACM proceedings must upload the camera-ready copy of their paper to EasyChair by this date. *All deadlines are with respect to Anywhere on Earth time (AoE) Poster ChairsMomin Malik Berkman Klein Center, USA Ingmar Weber Qatar Computing Research Institute, Qatar |