Call for PapersMotto: Synergies for the Good: The web and societyThe 11th International ACM Conference on Web Science in 2019 (WebSci’19) is a unique conference where a multitude of disciplines converge in a creative and critical dialogue with the aim of understanding the web and its impacts. WebSci’19 welcomes participation from diverse fields including (but not limited to) art, anthropology, computer and information sciences, communication, economics, humanities, informatics, law, linguistics, philosophy, political science, psychology, and sociology. Following the tradition of earlier conferences, contributions to WebSci’19 aim to cross traditional disciplinary boundaries. The community engages with novel and thought-provoking ideas and discusses original research, work in progress, analysis, and practice in the field of Web Science, its current theoretical, methodological, and epistemological challenges as well as Web practices of individuals, collectives, institutions, and platforms.
In particular, we welcome contributions that
Possible topics for submissions include (but are not limited to) the following:
Submitting papers to WebSci'19The submission process consists of two steps:
Papers must be pre-registered by submitting an abstract by February 4. Only full/short papers will be considered for the conference that were preceded by an abstract. To accommodate the distinct traditions of Web Science’s many disciplines, we allow for two different paper submission formats: full papers and short papers. Full papers are up to 8-10 pages long, ACM double column (see Submission Instructions). Full papers should present new and substantial theoretical, empirical, methodological, or policy-oriented contributions to research and/or practice. Full papers include an abstract, an introduction, sections and especially significant conclusions and should be well on top of the current literature in the field as evidenced by appropriate referencing. Full papers should be original work that has not been previously published. Full papers are presented through regular talks. The program committee may decide to recommend full papers that were rejected as such to be accepted as short papers, if the authors agree. Short papers are 3-5 pages long, ACM double column (see Submission Instructions). Short papers should present new ideas and/or work in progress that may have significant impact to or implications for the progress of the Web and Web Science. Short papers should include an abstract, an introductory paragraph and appropriate references. Short papers should be original work that has not been previously published. Short papers are assigned short talks. Submission instructionsFull and short paper submissions should be formatted according to the official ACM SIG Conference Proceedings.
See (From the zip files provided, please select the SIGCONF version). You can find the WebSci’19 paper submission pages at Easychair: (opens December 12, 2018). Review process and quality assurance of submissionsWebSci’19 is a selective conference with a rigorous review process. Reviewing will be single-blind (authors are identified on submissions; reviewers are anonymized).
When submitting papers to WebSci’19 authors are asked to select one of the Senior PC members they wish to be included in the review process (if too many authors select a particular Senior PC member, allocation will be decided by lot). Additionally, authors should provide the name of a potential reviewer outside of the board of Senior PC and regular PC members that may be contacted for review, too (any conflict of interest¹ must be avoided). Reviewers are allowed to send their reviews with a CCBy or CC0 license so that authors can publish them along with their papers if they want to. A research paper submitted to WebSci’19 cannot be under review for any other publishing forum or presentation venue, including conferences, workshops, and journals, during the time it is being considered for WebSci’19. Furthermore, after you submit a research paper to WebSci’19, you must await the response from WebSci’19 and only resubmit elsewhere if your paper is rejected - or withdrawn at your request - from WebSci’19. This restriction applies not only to identical papers but also to papers with a substantial overlap in scientific content and results. Every research paper submitted to WebSci’19 must present substantial novel research not described in any prior publication. In this context, a prior publication is (a) a paper of five pages or more presented, or accepted for presentation, at a refereed conference or workshop with proceedings; or (b) an article published, or accepted for publication, in a refereed journal. If a WebSci’19 submission has overlap with a prior publication, the submission must cite the prior publication, along with all other relevant published work, following the submission guidelines. Any violation of this policy will result in the immediate rejection of the submission, as well as notification to the members of the WebSci’19 PC, and the editors or chairs of any other forums involved. One desirable and relevant characteristic of strong experimental research results is how flexible and robust they are in terms of the parameters and the tested environment. Obviously, a single paper cannot always cover the whole space of possible scenarios. We encourage authors to prepare and publish, for instance in a trusted repository or archive, reproducibility information and resources, such as source code and (if possible and appropriate) datasets. Publication informationAll accepted submissions will be included in the ACM proceedings, which will be archived by the ACM Digital Library. However, in order to accommodate the publication priorities of different scientific communities, we allow authors to opt out of having their contribution appear in the published proceedings (thus allowing the authors to retain the right to publish later in academic journals).
Furthermore, the Scientific Program Chairs undertake to edit a special WebSci’19 issue of the Journal of Web Science ( Authors of selected papers will be contacted and invited to submit an extended version as a full-length journal article for the special issue. All articles invited to this submission will go through a peer-review process before receiving final approval. ¹Conflicts of interest cannot be eliminated. It is WebSci’19’s policy to address and lower the number of conflicts. Since the number of Web Science professionals is relatively small, we assume that there will be many cases where we make decisions involving someone who is known to us or with whom we have had some professional or personal association. A “close association” refers to a relative, a very close personal friend, a colleague from the same company or institution, or a colleague with whom there is a close professional relationship such as co-authorship or grant co-investigation.
Some examples of associations that can cause a conflict of interest are: employment at the same institution or company; candidate for employment at the same institution or company; received an honorarium or stipend from the institution or company within the last year; co-author on book or paper in the last 48 months; co-principal investigator on grant or research project; actively working on project together; family relationship; close personal relationship; graduate advisee/advisor relationship; deep personal animosity. |
Important datesFebruary 11, 2019 Abstract submission: PDFs of these submissions must be uploaded to EasyChair by this date. February 18, 2019 Submission of long papers and short papers: PDFs of these submissions must be uploaded to EasyChair by this date. April 5 , 2019 Notification of Acceptance: Acceptances and rejections of long papers and short papers are sent out. May 1, 2019 Final Publication version due. Presenters who do not opt out of having their contribution appear in the ACM proceedings must upload the camera-ready copy of their paper to EasyChair by this date. *All deadlines are with respect to Anywhere on Earth time (AoE) Program ChairsIsabella Peters ZBW + Kiel University, Kiel, Germany Wagner Meira Jr. Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil |